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Ugh, Matcha

Matcha. Oh, matcha matcha matcha... What am I ever going to do with you?

I would have never thought that crushed green tea leaves would have a higher caffeine content than bagged green tea. And because I have heard many many many west coasters talk, *cough cough* the Buzzfeed gang loves it, about it in the past I decided to give matcha a shot. THREE TO BE EXACT! I have tried matcha on three separate occasions and none of them surpassed my expectations!

I have tried a proper warm brew of matcha three different times, it has been prepared three different ways, at three different places and have gotten the same result. No insult to those of you who love it… It has a particular taste to that of warm liquid dirt. Simply put— my palette is not made for it.

I have decided to say what the hell third times the charm my ass. Why not try it one more time but this time cold. I might like it…


It tastes a little better. Still not convinced, what a waste of money, wouldn’t order it again in my life… but it does taste better. The only place where I’ve tasted it and loved it has been mixed with lychee at a rolled ice cream spot.

If you can tolerate the taste of matcha, by all means, make it part of the daily diet. It gives a really nice energy boost.

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