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A Downfall in Caffeine

As I went through the final weeks of my Winter quarter, I began to drink more coffee than I usually would to try and keep up with my work or at least get a little ahead of the assignments.

Caffeine, just like many other households items is a drug. It will affect the body in the worst of ways if abused of.

Most of my work was done by Friday, February 17, 2017, so I stopped drinking coffee and went to sleep at around 4 a.m. which was when I began to fell tired. When Sunday dinner came around my body was in pain and I barely had an appetite. As always my roommates and I cooked dinner for our weekly dinner date and sat down to eat. A few hours passed and my state of pain worsened.

At first, I thought that it was my lady bits acting up again, but it wasn’t. I fell ill for a whole 36 hours without being able to eat anything, solid or liquid because it would upset my stomach to the point that I would end up leaning over my toilet for a good ten minutes. I haven't drank coffee nor anything containing too much sugar or caffeine since Friday night and I won't for the next few days. Tuesday, February 21, 2017, was the first day my body could finally process soup.

Let the record state that 40 hours without food or water is horrible and I never want to go through that again. So as a disclaimer next week’s post will not be about caffeine because I’m giving my body a little time to heal. It will still be on something sweet. I promise!

P.S. If you are binging on anything caffeinated, please drink responsibly. Your body and mind will thank you later.

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